...other than picking, packing, and shipping their products.
When you own an e-commerce business, chances are you have a long list of things that need to be done and you can’t keep up with all of them. Maybe you don’t have a list… maybe you just have a cloud of intimidating tasks floating around in your head waiting for your next brainstorming meeting or even a free afternoon just to sort out your overwhelmingly tangled thoughts.
Some things are pretty obvious though; for example, when you’re dedicated to growing your business, naturally your first goal should be boosting your sales. When you want to double your sales immediately, you’ll automatically wonder which will come first: a doubling of your store's web traffic or a doubling your store’s profit margin (and accept that the former will probably come before the latter, no matter how much we might wish it was the other way round.)
3PL outsourcing frees up your time for more important things
When you partner with a reliable service provider for your 3PL outsourcing needs, you’ll suddenly have a lot more time on your hands.
Here are 3 ideas for attracting more customers and growing your business that you’ll have time for when you outsource your order fulfilment to a 3PL provider.
Going green
Greta Thunberg was Time Magazine’s 2019 Person of the Year and the teen force of nature forcing us to think about… well, nature has made going green more red hot than it’s ever been! Her message has caught on with most millennials and younger generations, digital natives who often prefer to shop online rather than going through the physical chore of going to a shop. Here at OGOship, we offer great solutions for making the green-ifying of your logistics plan cheaper and easier than you’d ever have expected. If going green is your priority, read for example these: minimizing the carbon footprint of chronic returners or advice on improving your entire business’ carbon footprint.
Set up social media automation client
Setting up social media automation clients like Hootsuite, Buzzsumo, or Planoly may seem like a daunting task… but it’s actually way easier than you think. Better yet, with the effortless growth this spurs, you’ll have plenty of time to…
Focus on internationalization
Internationalization is so easy for e-commerce businesses when you partner with a 3PL service provider like OGOship, but getting your store ready for international markets can seem like a huge hassle. Spoiler alert: luckily, this simply isn’t true, and OGOship has plenty of ideas and experience to help you expand internationally seamlessly.
How can we help?
Read how 3PL can help you save time and ship faster.